Successful completion of the 2nd Pandoteira educational workshop

The Pandoteira project organized an educational workshop on “Sustainable business planning and environmentally friendly marketing in Natura 2000 protected areas”. The workshop took place on November 9th, 2024, at Mitsero. This was the second in a series of free workshops to be organized within the framework of the Pandoteira project.

Two of our project partners, Terra Cypria and Frederick University, joined forces in order to offer participants the basic knowledge to design and promote their own environmentally friendly business, operating within or in close proximity to Natura 2000 protected areas. Terra Cypria handled the organization and promotion of the workshop, whereas Frederick University, with Dr Athanasia Tzortzi, offered the free training.

We were delighted to have with us participants with innovative ideas, as well as community leaders, who expressed strong interest in environmental protection and in the promotion of local products.

All participants had the opportunity to become familiar with sustainable business concepts and eco-friendly marketing practices. In addition, the community leaders who were participating showed an interest in both promoting their local products and protecting the environment, while at the same time improving the quality of life for residents in their areas. The discussions highlighted significant challenges that entrepreneurs in these areas face, as well as ways to integrate a green perspective into local products and services.

The workshop’s main aim was to equip participants with knowledge they can apply to start a business or strengthen their competitiveness within the framework of their current business activities. Moreover, participants were able to learn the basic marketing principles and apply practical tools to create strategic marketing plans. In this context, emphasis was given to the need to integrate environmental awareness at every stage of the marketing planning.

More workshops will follow, so stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter.


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